Guide your mindset

Zechariah 5: 3-4 V3 This scroll, “he told me, “represent the word of God’s curse going out over the entire land. It says that all who steal and lie have…

Walking Right on Home

Enoch walked in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him. Gen.5;24.Enoch was a faithful friend of God. He was in constant touch with him…

Everyday Scripture

Psalms 70: 1-5 V1 Rescue me, O God! Lord, hurry to my aid! V2,3 They are after my life, and delight in gurting me. Confuse them! Shame them! Stop them!…

Never Again

I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the floodwaters destroy all life. Gen. 9;15.When God says, “Never again, ” He means never…