For You are my hope, O Lord God. Psalm 71:5

God of hope, I need Your vibrant optimism. My own optimism is like a tea bag: I never know how strong it is until I get into hot water. It is in these times of frustration or adversary that my optimism is tested. When the process of human efforts grinds slowly and people disturb my pace of progress, my attitudes are given a litmus test.
Often my realism too soon turns to resignation; I expect far too little, and receive it. Lord, transform my experienced pessimism into expectant hope. So often I live as if I had to carry the burdens alone. Today I relinquish to You any negative thoughts and receive a fresh infusion of Your hope.
Here are my needs for healing, wholeness and health; here are my emotional conflicts, tensions and fears.
The wonder of it all is that You know, care about me, and invite me to come to You for the personal encounter of this quiet moment with You.
Dear God, increase my faith. Give me deeper trust and higher expectancy. I think of specific concerns. Oh, how I need to know that You want to help me with these problems and opportunities. I think of——-and ———-especially. Then my mind goes to people who desperately need You, particularly—————and ————–‘ May I hear You say, “Be of good cheer; My hope will give you courage. Go in peace. ” Amen.
Pst Sarah K. Zango

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