The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16

Dear God,
You have called me to the awesome opportunity of intercessory prayer. Today, I want to pray for people You have put on my prayer agenda who are in trouble because of sins in their lives. I know from my own life, the pain and anguish my sins have caused me and others.
Out of gratitude and praise for Your forgiveness of me, I want to pray for the people I love.
Lord, before it is too late, open their hearts to Your love. Now in this time of intimate conversation with You, show me how I can be part of Your pursuit of them. Enable me to know what to be and say, when and how I am to incarnate Your love by intervening with comfort or confrontation.
I confess that I don’t know how to pray for what is best for people. Guide my thinking so I can word my intercessory prayers and ask for what You want for people about whom I am concerned. You never give up on people, may I never lose hope in what You can do to help, change, or guide them.
Thank You, Father, for showing me a love that knows no limits in Jesus Name. Amen.

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