Believe and have faith in the Lord

Almighty and everlasting Father, I dont care to know whatever spirit that is behind my predicaments. As i write this prayer, i come against any spirit working against my destiny and my family, working against our prosperity, let that spirit be shattered by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.

I take authority from Heaven to subsue any power that is not made for me and my family. Father, let them disappear by fire in the mighty name of Jesus. May You take absolute control of our situation( health, school or workplace). May you arrest these situations. I sanitize myself and my family with your precious Blood, that you shed on the cross of calvary.

Please sanitize us Lord of everything, Our children are going to school, in our workplace and whatever we are going through Lord, in Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Almighty and  Everlasting Father, King of Glory, Ancient of days, that i am that i am, You are the God of yesterday, today and forever more. Father i commit my Family and I, before you, Lord to fulfill what is written in the Scripture;
Mattew 11: 28, Come on to me Oh ye that Labour and are heavy laden that labour that i will give you rest all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke.

Therefore i speak, as an oracle of God, oracle of the most high God, i come against any negetive forces working against our destiny, any stumbling block dstroying our destiny, shall be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus. Any Wall standing against our destiny, be scattered and die by fire In the name of Jesus! Father your word is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Is there anything difficult for you Lord? No! let your mighty hands open up for me and my family. I decree and declare it will work in our situation right Now! Let there be open doors right Now! In Jesus Name Amen.

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