Psalms 94:1-15 Lord, how long shall the wicked be allowed to triumph and exult? ⁴ Hear their insolence! See their arrogance! How these men of evil boast!
⁵ See them oppressing your people, O Lord, afflicting those You love. ⁶’⁷ They murder widows, and orphans, for “The Lord isn’t looking ,” they say, ” and besides, He doesn’t care.” Fools!
⁹ Is God deaf and blind-He who makes ears and eyes? ¹⁰ He punishes the nations – won’t He punish you? He knows everything -doesn’t He also know what you are doing?
¹¹ The Lord is fully aware of how limited and futile the thought of mankind are, so He helps us by punishing us.
¹³ This makes us follow His paths and gives us respite from our enemies while God traps them and destroys them.
¹⁴ The Lord will not forsake His people, for they are His prize. ¹⁵ Judgement will again be just and all the upright will rejoice. Amen.