Save me from being overpowered by my sins, for even fools will mock me then, O Lord.

Psalms 39:8-13 Lord, I am speechless before You. I wii not open my mouth to speak one word of complaint, for my punishment is from You.

¹⁰ Lord, don’t hit me anymore – I am exhausted beneath Your hand. ¹¹ When You punish a man for his sins, he is destroyed, for he is as fragile as a moth infected cloth; yes, man is frail as breath.

¹² Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry! Don’t sit back, unmindful of my tears. For I am Your guest. I am a traveller passing through the earth, as all my fathers were.

¹³ Spare me, Lord! Let me recover and be filled with happiness again before my death. Amen.

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