Dear brothers, I am not writing out a new rule for you to obey, for it is an old one you have always had, right from the start. You have heard it all before

1 John 2:7-11 Yet it is always new, and works for you just as it did for Christ, and as we obey this commandment, to love one another, the darkness in our lives disappears and the new light of life in Christ shines in.

⁹ Anyone who says he is walking in the light of Christ but dislikes his fellow man, is still in darkness.

¹⁰ But whoever loves his fellow man is “walking in the light” and can see his way without stumbling around darkness and sin.

¹¹ For he who dislikes his brother is wandering in spiritual darkness and doesn’t know where he is going, for the darkness has made him blind so that he cannot see the way.

Lets pray: Father Lord, show me the way to keep Your word and to show Your love to others, in whatever I do today and always. Amen.

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