1John 2:18-25 These “against-Christ” people used to be members of the churches, but they never really belonged with us or else they would have stayed. When they left us it proved that they were not of us at all.
²⁰ But you are not like that, for the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you know the truth. ²¹ So I am not writting to you as those who need to know but as a warning, for you know the difference between true and false.
²² And who is the greatest liar? The one who says that Jesus is not Christ. Such a peson is antichrist, for he does not believe in God the Father and in His Son. ²³ For a person who doesn’t believe in Christ, God’s Son, can’t have God the Father either. But he who has Christ, God’s Son has God the Father also.
²⁴ So keep on believing what you have been taught from the beginning. If you do, you will always be in close fellowship with both God the Father and His Son. ²⁵ And He himself has promised us this: Eternal Life. Amen.