Who touched Me?

…..Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me…..Be of good cheer, your faith has made you well. Go in peace.
Luke 8:45, 46, 48. Lord Christ, Great Physician, You are the healing power of the world. You use doctors and nurses and medicine, but You are the healing power. Lord I longed for Your physical, emotional and spiritual healing. I want to be whole. I picture the woman who pressed through the crowd around You, whispering, “if I can only touch Him!” She exemplifies my yearning to get in touch with You. It is awesome to me that You are concerned about me and respond to my touch of faith.
Now what I need is the touch of Your healing hand upon my body, mind, emotions. Here in the quiet I ask for Your healing touch. My desire to reach out to You has been initiated by You. Your touch upon my desires precedes my reach. My longing for Your healing power is because You are more ready to give than I am to ask. Now, in touch with You, I realise that anything You do for me is secondary to the greater gift of fellowship with You, I love You for Yourself, not for what You can do for me. Grateful for this wondrous gift, I place my total life in Your healing power. Now I hear Your whisper, “Go in peace.” Thank You, Lord in Jesus Name I pray Amen. Shalom.
Pst. Mrs S.K. Zango

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