Do not despise prophesies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. 1 Thes. 5:16-21. Holy Spirit, I long to be a spontaneous person today-one who is open, fee, expectant, and willing to be surprised. There is an uncalculating, unaffected, unbounded excitement in me when I give You complete freedom within me to help me respond to life’s opportunities and challenges with “All signals go!” immediacy and intensity. That’s the way I want to live today. It is so easy to get sucked into the Eddie’s of stagnation, resisting the new, the innovative, and the different. Sometimes I thoughtlessly repeat the mottos of the stagnated: “We’ve never done it that way”; “We’re not ready for that”; “We tried that before”; “It just won’t work!” Instead of all that negative thinking, I want to base my life on today’s Scripture: I will accept Your gift of enthusiasm, I will welcome life expectantly, I will dare to be an open person, I will be thankful in advance for what You will do today to help me, I will consider the future as a friend, I will set courageous goals, and I will overcome the negative confronting me by doing a specific, positive good. With these resolves as my commitment, make me an authentically spontaneous person today I pray with thanksgiving in Jesus Christ Name. Amen Shalom.
Pst. Mrs S.K. Zango