Terror and captivity of hell are still your lot, O men of the world.

Isaiah 24:17-23 When you flee in terror you will fall into a pit, and if you escape from the pit, you will step into a trap, for destruction falls from the heavens upon you; the world is shaken beneath you.

19 The earth has broken down in utter collapse; everything is lost, abondoned and confused. ²⁰ The world staggers like a drunkard; it shakes like a tent in a storm. It falls and will not rise again, for the sins of the earth are very great.

21 On that day the Lord will punish the fallen angels in the heavens, and the proud rulers of the nations on earth. ²² They will be rounded up like prisoners and imprisoned in a dungeon until they are tried and condemned.

23 Then the Lord of heaven’s armies will mount His throne in Zion and rule gloriously in Jerusalem, in the sight of all the elders of His people. Such glory there will be that all the brightness of the sun and moon will seem to fade away. T L B V

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