Zephaniah 3:17. Dear God, thank You for Your constant presence in my life. I am humbled when I consider that the Sovereign of the universe cares enough to rejoice over me and quiet me with His love. I also marvel at Your provision for me. Because Your strength is unlimited, my inner well never has to be empty. Your strength is artesian, constantly surging up to exactly what I need in every moment. You give me supernatural wisdom that supersedes my knowledge. You provide emotional equipoise when I am under pressure. You engender resoluteness in my will and vision when my responsibilities become demanding. Father, quiet my heart with Your unqualified, indefatigable love. Provide me with confidence, security, and peace. Enable me to have absolute trust in Your faithfulness. You make me stable and secure. Nothing can separate me from Your love in Christ. Whatever I go through today will be used to deepen my relationship with You and help me grow in Your grace in Jesus Name I pray Amen. Shalom.
Pst. Mrs S.K. Zango