Reveal Yourself to me, Oh Lord!

Come to Me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give rest. Matthew 11:28. Almighty God, I feel awe and wonder that You have chosen to serve in the place You have given me in life. May I live this day humbly on the knees of my heart, honestly admitting my human inadequacy and gratefully acknowledging Your power.
Today, Lord, dwell in the secret place of my heart to give me inner peace and security. Help me with Your wisdom and strength as I maintain the relationships and responsibilities You have entrusted to me. Remind me of my accountability to You for all that I say and do. Reveal Yourself to me; be the unseen Friend by my side in every changing circumstance. Give a fresh experience of Your palpable and powerful Spirit. Banish weariness and worry, discouragement and disillusionment. Often today, may I hear Your voice saying, “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Lord, help me to rest in You and receive the incredible resiliency You provide. Thank You in advance for a truly productive day in Jesus Name I pray. Amen, Shalom.
Pst. Mrs S.K. Zango

4 thoughts on “Reveal Yourself to me, Oh Lord!

  1. Lovely.
    I really need help to be focused in serving the LORD my GOD In Spirit and Truth. Pls help me

    1. To stay focused in serving God, is to set a time daily to sing praises, praying and study the bible. The Holy Spirit will guide you.

  2. How can the gift bestowed on me be actualised? And i have heard like twice or three, that I have been settled. That what I seek is in me. Please, i really need help. Pray for me to always understand the word of GOD. Most of it all, that I may live a Holly life all the days of my life to the glory of GOD.

    1. The gift as you have said, is in you! Believe it and recieve it by prayer, talk to God to show you how to recieve it. He is our Daddy! He will hear, just take away the doubt in you and make a confession to the Lord. I have joined you in prayers. Remain Blessed

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