Now Is the Acceptable Time

He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the Acceptable year of the Lord. Isaiah 61:1a – 2b.
God’s timing is perfect! When He speaks, the time to respond in obedience is now. We often act as if we have all the time in the world to obey Him, but history doesn’t wait on our commitments. There is not such thing as postponing a decision with God. Either we obey, or we disobey. It is either faith or unbelief, obedience or disobedience.
When God announces that now is the Acceptable time, what you do next is critical. How often people have been unprepared when a word came to them from the Lord. God said, “Now is the time for you to respond to Me” and their response was, “But I am not ready. I have some things I need to do first. I am too busy!” Matt.8:21. God’s timing is always perfect. He knows you and He is fully aware of your circumstances. He knows all that He has built into your life until now, and He extends His invitation knowing that His resources are more than adequate for any assignment He gives you.
That is why Scripture tells us God is concerned with our heart, if we do not keep our heart in love with Jesus, our disobedience when God speaks could affect the lives of others. When God speaks it is always out of the context of eternity. We don’t have to know all the implications of what He is asking. We just have to know that it is a word from Almighty God. “Now” is always the acceptable time to respond to the Lord Hallelujah praise the Lord!
Pst Sarah K. Zango

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