Remember the works of the Lord

I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work and talk of Your deeds. Psalm 77:11-12.
Almighty God, my Creator, Sustainer, and loving Heavenly Father, thank You for this moment of profound communication with You. I come to You just as I am….with my hurts and hopes, fears and frustrations, problems and perplexities. I also come to You with great memories of how You have helped me so faithfully when I trusted You in the past.
Now, in the peace of Your presence, I sense a fresh touch of Your Spirit. With a receptive mind and a heart wide open I receive the inspiration and love You give so generously. Make me secure in Your grace, and confident in Your goodness. I need Your power to carry the responsibilities that are upon me today.
Humbly I now ask for divine inspiration in the decision of this day. Because I am here to please You in all that I do, my hope is that at the end of this day I will hear Your voice sounding in my soul, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Amen.
Pst Sarah K. Zango

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