Gracious Father,
thank you for this time of prayer in which my mind and heart can be enlarged to receive Your Spirit. You are the answer to my deepest need. More than any secondary gift You can give, I long for the primary grace of Yourself offered in profound love and acceptance. I have learned that when I abide in Your presence and I am receptive to Your guidance, You inspire my mind with inside and wisdom, my heart with resiliency and courage, and my body with vigour and vitality.
Lord, before I begin this day, I commit all my worries to You. I entrust to You my concerns over the people I will meet and the circumstances I will encounter. My desire is to give myself to the work of this day with freedom and joy.
Give me strength when I become tired, fresh vision when my well become dry, and enthusiastic hope when others become disappointed.
Thank You, Father, for the constancy of Your care and love in jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Pst S.K. Zango