Almighty God, You created me to praise You. Forgive me for the pride that too frequently takes the place of praise in my heart. So often, I want to be adequate in my own strenght, to be loved by You because of my self generated goodness, and to be admired by people because of my superior performance. Yet pride pollutes everything: it stunts my spiritual growth, creates tensions in my relationships, and makes me a person who is difficult for You to bless. Most important of all, my pride separates me from You, dear Father. When pride reigns, life becomes bland, truth becomes relative, and values become debased. I lose that inner confidence of convictions rooted in the Bible and Your revealed truth.
Now in this quiet moment, I praise You for breaking the bubble of illusion that, with my own cleverness and cunning, I can solve life’s problems. Help me recover my sense of humor so I can laugh at myself for ever thinking I could make it on my own. I humble myself before You. Fill me with Your Spirit. Now, with my mind planted on the Rock of Ages, I have the power to face the ambiguities of today with the absolutes of Your truth and Jesus Name. Amen.
Pst S.K. Zango