Walking Right on Home

Enoch walked in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him. Gen.5;24.
Enoch was a faithful friend of God. He was in constant touch with him Gen.5:24, The King James Version renders this verse, “Enoch walked with God.” Another word for that is fellowship. His consistency each fellowship with God gives us something to think through about! In the end, after he had lived 365 years, he was favoured by being taken to heaven in a supernatural way.
“He disappeared, because God took him” Gen. 5:24. The King James version says, “He was not, ” One moment he “was” the next he “was not “. It was as if these two-Fold and Enoch – had taken so many walks together through life, talking and delighting in each other, that one day as they walked along, God said to Enoch, “it is late, why don’t you come home to my house tonight?” And they walked right on home! To be fruitful, faithful, and favoured in such a way shows, us what true friendship with God is all about.
Do we enjoy such closeness with God? Walking with God speaks of a commonality, a communion, an easy, conversational “walk” with our Creator on the road of life. It involves being honest with our Heavenly Companion. Hurt feelings must be discussed, misunderstandings laid on the table, fellowship means warmth of understanding and an interest in the thoughts and feelings of another. When we walk together with God all our days, we will find ourselves walking right on home.

Pst S.K. Zango

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