Hope in the Lord

Happy is he whose hope is in the Lord his God. Psalm 146:5. God of hope, I trust You for the incredible happiness I feel when I trust You completely. The expectation of Your timely interventions to help me gives me stability and serenity. It makes me bold and courageous, fearless and free. You have shown me that authentic hope always is rooted in Your faithfulness in keeping Your promises. I hear Your assurance, “Be not afraid, I am with you”. I place my hope in Your problem-solving power, Your conflict-solving presence and Your anxiety-dissolving peace. Lord, You have helped me discover the liberating power of an unreserved commitment to You. When I commit to You my life and each of the challenges I face, I am not only released from the tension of living on my own limited resources, but also a mysterious movement of Your providence begins. The company of heaven, plus people and circumstances begin to rally to my aid. Unexpected resources are released, unexplainable good things start happening. I claim the promise of Psalm 37:5: “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass”.

Pst Mrs S. Zango

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